
Biomedical Waste Management


The waste generated in various hospitals and healthcare facilities it is a kind of waste containing injections material generated during treatment of human and animals , can be grouped under biomedical waste . Biomedical waste management generated can either be solid or liquid waste comprising infectious or potentially infectious material such as medical research or laboratory waste.

Biomedical Waste Management Rules, 2016 mainly explains that every healthcare facility should have to take all necessary steps to ensure that BMW is handled without any adverse effect on human beings and environmental health

Biomedical waste is mainly generated from biological and medical sources and activities, performed in labs such as the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of diseases.
The common generators , or the producers of biomedical waste include hospitals, health clinics, nursing homes, emergency medical services ,from the offices of physicians, dentists etc.


Effects on humans

There are many waste which mainly affects the humans life. In1990 report by the United States Agency they explains that the biomedical waste from those settings may pose an injury and exposure . where the people in a contact of waste needle they mainly cause human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV).

BMW management rules in India

the management of the medical waste is very important ,for protecting the environment and the atmosphere The development and implementation of a national waste management policy can improve biomedical waste management in health facilities in a country
BMW problem was further compounded by the presence of scavengers who sort out open, unprotected health-care waste with no gloves, masks, or shoes for recycling, and second, reuse of syringe without appropriate sterilization.

There are four steps in the management of biomedical waste


The waste produced It mainly defines that the waste is in a solid condition or a liquid condition so it is known as surveying of the waste.


It is the process in which we separate the waste according to its category that it is in a liquid or solid waste so we have to put in a container as it is defined as what type of waste it contains.

3. Collecting

It is the process in which we collect the waste which is produced by the surgery or any medical treatment it involves the use of different colours of bins for waste disposal.

4.categorizing the waste

Categorization of waste mainly defines the categories of waste in the basis of the colours , where the colour plays an important role in indicating the segregation and identification of different categories of waste into suitable-colored containers.


The storing is the process in which we store the the medical waste on the basis of its categories the categories are mainly divided into five categories on the different colours
* Green colour ( general waste )
* Yellow colour (Infected waste materials )
* Red colour ( Infected plastic waste materials )
* Blue colour (glassware materials )
* white colour (waste sharp materials)

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